Performance without Barriers
Drake Music NI, Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC) and Brain Injury Matters present the Bounce Festival on Saturday, the 5th of October.
A collaboration between “Performance without Barriers” Drake Music NI, Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC) and Brain Injury Matters.
“Through The Virtual Looking Glass” brings together musicians from Drake Music Northern Ireland and Brain Injury Matters in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast’s award-winning Performance without Barriers research group to design and perform new accessible virtualreality musical instruments created for this special performance.
Joining our virtual reality musicians:
Mary Louise McCord (VR saxophone),
Christine Williamson (VR flute),
Gary Wylie (VR keys)
Performance without Barriers lead Franziska Schroeder (saxophone – QUBe Ensemble),
Marty Byrne (Voice/Electronics – QUBe Ensemble) and
Aga Olek (Violin/Electronics – QUBe Ensemble).
The improvisations will be conducted by Damian Mills, digital luthier of the accessible virtual reality musical environments performed.

“Through The VR Looking Glass”
The afternoon’s music starts with ‘It Flows With No Electrics’, amalgamating poetry, creative writing and conversations with graphic scores and sonic illustrations to create a series of sonic atmospheres. Led by John D’Arcy
These performances were made possible by the combined support of Performance without Barriers, Drake Music NI, SARC: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Sound and Music, Queen’s University Belfast, and the @SSHRC_Canda.
Venue: SARC
SARC is an accessible centre with access ramp and accessible amenities, reservable seating and a Loop system. British Sign Language interpretation will be available.
With support from SARC Centre For Interdisciplinary Research in Sound and Music, Queen’s University Belfast and Fynn Bailie and Jonny McGuinness
University of Atypical for Arts and Disability