Contact us

We are on the main social media channels and you can also email, phone or text us!

Get in touch if you want to access some very exciting music projects,
or suggest your own style for your group to work with us every week!

Feel free to drop us a message

    The Hubs

    These are fully kitted out and accessible space open for the enjoyment of creating music. They contain height adjustable work spaces and the many interesting and unique – and sometimes odd looking instruments we use in creating music. We host weekly sessions in music making, ensembles, one to one sessions and also start-up groups. How will you use our space?

    Office & Studio

    Unit 5, RDC, WIN Business Park, Canal Quay,
    NEWRY, BT35 6PH
    πŸ“ž 028 9024 3695
    βœ‰οΈ [email protected]

    Office & Studio

    Unit 2+3, First Floor,
    95 Springfield Road,
    πŸ“ž 028 9024 3695
    βœ‰οΈ [email protected]

    Part time music hub

    Unit 1, Balliniska Business Park,
    18 Balliniska Road, Derry/L’Derry, BT48 0NA
    πŸ“ž 028 9024 3695
    βœ‰οΈ [email protected]